Operational Risk Management and Digitisation Impact (Advanced)
Target Audience
RISK: Credit & Investment Exposure Management, Enterprise Risk Management. Vendor and IT Risk, Internal Control Management, Market and ALM Risk, Risk Infrastructure & Control
Audience Level
Intermediate & Advanced
3 Days: 9am – 4pm
Online or In-class
The objective of the course is to provide a comprehensive overview of a major risk area in the Bank, which is gaining greater attention from regulators and demanding more attention from the Management and Boards of Banks.
The scope of risks included in operational risk has grown considerable. Different banks adopt different definitions and consequently have differing organisation structures. With the increased scope of operational risk and the need for each employee to be a responsible and aware risk manager, the role of the operational risk (2nd line) team and Champions in the businesses has become increasingly important. They need to be very aware of external developments and internal policies and be able to work with their colleagues across businesses to ensure operational risk is not a tick the box exercise but in fact truly embedded in the way people go about their daily tasks.
At the end of this course, all participants will be able to grow more into the role of an enabler and:
- Understand “why we do ORM”. Also learn to articulate such concepts and those set out below to the business lines. Pass down key messages from Head of RMD and Head of Op Risk and CRO. Know “what good looks like” as defined by the leadership team. In the process they will understand the principles of ORM in more than one way (not restricted to Basel, or COSO alone)
- Be aware of the CIB framework, what’s on the horizon, ensuring the key messages of the CRO, Head of RMD and Head of Op Risk are also absorbed and understood from an applicability point of view.
- Understand the mindset of a Facilitator and be able to use a range of interventions. Appreciate that RCSAs, incident reporting, KRIs etc are not an end game in themselves but really tools in our hands to improve the resilience of the bank.
- Ask questions in the right way to help the target risk discussion. Understand and adopt the appropriate attitude to RCSAs and loss analytics etc. Appreciate and communicate the importance of transparency and work as a team and with stakeholders to achieve this.
- Give feedback in a constructive way. Develop a perspective that commits them to a forward looking, proactive and challenging attitude. Try to help the business to “Prevent Risks from becoming issues”
- The impact of digitisation on how the bank manages operating risk.
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